“Put out into the deep water and let down your nets for a catch.”
~ Luke 5:4


God calls His children to assume their vocations in life in many different ways. Being a mother, father, sister, brother, friend, counselor, husband, wife, etc., are all vocations that we are called to in order to fulfill our purpose in life and, more importantly, to glorify and honor God Almighty.

However, have you felt God calling you to serve Him in a different way? Have you felt God calling you to act in place of His Son for the intercession and sanctification of the People of God? If you have, God might be calling you to serve Him as a priest or religious.

To serve the Church as a priest or a religious is indeed a humbling honor which no one merits but which Our Lord Jesus Christ chooses for us. The path to the priesthood and religious life is one that requires discernment and deep reflection as it is a lifetime commitment to God and His Church. Therefore, if you feel the calling in you, we invite you to reach out to us to learn more about the priesthood and religious life.

Do note, that in the Society of Christ the King, formation occurs through the religious society model. Our clergy do not receive ordinary jurisdiction upon ordination. Please speak to our Office of Vocations and Postulancy to find out what this may mean for you and your ministry.

Furthermore, the Society promotes the full inclusion of all of God’s people, we do not preclude anyone from candidacy for Holy Orders. We truly welcome all people to come serve the Lord in His Vineyard.

For more information, please contact the Office of Vocations for the Society of Christ the King by completing the form below. More detailed information can be found on the Society of Christ the King website: https://www.sctk.org/vocations

To learn more about vocations, postulancy, and Holy Orders within the Society of Christ the King, please contact us by filling out the form below.